DPCO / Products / Hardware and Network / Splitters and terminals

Splitters and terminals

Production of any types of splitters for ADSL high speed internet subscribers in MDF telecommunication centers


 Applications and uses:

 Considering that fixed internet subscribers in MDF telecommunication centers and FCP companies should use this device for each subscriber to exploit and activate the internet, and also considering the variety of use of different terminals in the above-mentioned centers, this company is able to meet the needs of FCP users and ready to supply the desired splitters.

Production of any types of terminals for ADSL high speed internet subscribers in MDF telecommunication centers

ترمینالهای مختلف

Applications and uses:

 Considering that fixed internet subscribers in MDF telecommunication centers and FCP companies should use different terminals in the above-mentioned centers in order to exploit and activate the Internet, this company is able to meet the needs of FCP users and ready to supply the desired terminals.