Activity and capabilities fields Activities in the field of network and data center monitoring systems Activities in the field of implementing Internet subscriber management system and collecting performance (accounting) and providing advice Activities in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) implementation on a large and national scale and providing advice Extensive activity in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) Production and development of customer order software systems and monitoring Design and implementation of data center Providing advice for designing and implementing high-speed Data Center networks Network security and information technology Providing scientific, executive and experimental solutions to manage innovation and support startups Activities and providing advice on the implementation of IT government Activities and providing advice and solutions in the field of data center infrastructure management (DCIM) Providing solutions for using and implementing the Hoshyar product in order to manage telecommunication, tactical and computer networks. Design and support of network and data center monitoring systems Provide policy and planning advice Carrying out projects in the field of strategic management, policy making and organizational design Carrying out projects in the field of quality management and organizational design Carrying out projects in the field of network security and information technology Activities and consulting in the field of design and implementation of DPbilling product for billing purposes Contact with DP Group Company Sender Name Email Phone Title Description Generate New Image Generate New Image